The benefits of fairy-tales

by Nepean Tutoring Fairy Tales are essential stories for childhood. These stories are more than just happily ever after, they portray real moral lessons thru characters and virtue shown in the stories. They do not only captivate the imagination of young minds, but also enhances their creativity and reasoning skills. A child learns a lot byContinue reading “The benefits of fairy-tales”

The Darkest and Most Disturbing Fairy Tales

by TARA HEUZÉ With fantastical stories of witches and fairies, goblins and elves, or heroic princes and their villainous counterparts, folklore and fairy tales have long been an ingrained tradition in story-telling for children. These stories allow us to explore the furthest reaches of our imaginations – but some have more sinister back stories. WeContinue reading “The Darkest and Most Disturbing Fairy Tales”

10 Fairy Tales That Were Way Darker Than You Realized as a Kid

BY PATRICK J. KIGER If you grew up watching classic Disney movies such as “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” and “Cinderella,” or reading the Little Golden Book version of “Pinocchio,” you’re probably accustomed to thinking of fairy tales as wholesome entertainment for young children. That’s why it may come as a shock to watch “SnowContinue reading “10 Fairy Tales That Were Way Darker Than You Realized as a Kid”

Psychological Fairytales and Manipulation

Psychologists tell/sell stories about people’s lives that we may find more or less appealing and live according to them. Psychotherapy is about instilling different ways of viewing one’s difficulties, which is believed to replace the behavioural disorder with more “appropriate” ways of personal conduct. More specifically on could say that psychotherapy is about providing peopleContinue reading “Psychological Fairytales and Manipulation”

Fairy Tale Reality Manipulation

Fairy tale reality manipulation is the ability to alter reality by making features from fairy tale become true. This ability can alter reality by making features from fairy tales become true. It cannot affect reality otherwise. However, it can copy events from any fairy tale, as long as Harry knows of the fairy tale thatContinue reading “Fairy Tale Reality Manipulation”

Ruth Elizabeth 18 – London Feminists and Fairy Tales: The manipulation of childhood into female passivity.

Fairy tales are, as A. Dworkins argues, “the primary information of the culture”; that is to say they delineate the values and ideals within society that impressionable children ought to aspire to. They depict good and evil in polarities, whereby readers are compelled into supporting the actions of the sacred princes and princesses. The effect of such stories,Continue reading “Ruth Elizabeth 18 – London Feminists and Fairy Tales: The manipulation of childhood into female passivity.”

11 Fairytales You Loved As A Child That Are Actually Really Creepy There’s a reason their last name was Grimm

write: Anna Klassen 1. Beauty and the Beast In the 1957 version, Belle’s jealous sisters conspire to have her eaten alive by the Beast. Because what goes better with beastiality than a family homicide? Luckily, Disney’s adaptation left out that small, sinister detail. 2. The Frog Prince In the version you might remember, the frog is turnedContinue reading “11 Fairytales You Loved As A Child That Are Actually Really Creepy There’s a reason their last name was Grimm”

The Darker Corners of Pinocchio

Walt Disney is known for making high-grossing animated movies before and after the death of its founder Walt Disney himself. Usually, there is something to be seen in many Disney movies ranging from the 1930’s to the 1990’s. Some of them were darker than others with Hunchback of Notre Dame usually taking the cake, someContinue reading “The Darker Corners of Pinocchio”

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