The Princess and the Pea

In this funny and memorable tale, a prince is having terrible difficulty finding a wife. He is highly sceptical about the women he meets who claim to be princesses, for they are often too fat, too skinny or not sufficiently beautiful, or they have bad table manners. One night, a woman drenched through from the rain asks to take shelter in the prince’s castle. She claims to be a princess, so the prince’s mother decides to test this claim by placing a pea beneath the woman’s 20 mattresses and feather-beds. In the morning, the woman complains that she suffered a sleepless night, kept awake by something hard in the bed. The prince and his mother rejoice, for only a princess would be sensitive enough to feel the pea through the vast amount of bedding. The prince and the princess subsequently marry.

Published by cipelazadvoje

Imam srce koje kuca na daljinu! Ne davim misli i zato sam ovde ,da reči nerečene pronadju svoj put.Boje sveća će im u tome pomoći verujem. Volim misli,citate.Volim tajanstvo svojih osećanja da stavim na papir... Kupujem polovna osećanja.Celih više nema na tržištu! Uvek lakše zagorčam slatko,nego što zasladim gorko.Na granici sam ludila,javiću kad predjem carinu! Kad mi dosadi da živim u bajci,izađem među ljude gde tražim posebno ništa.Nešto posebno već traže svi.Sad odoh malo do sebe, nisam dugo bila.

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