The Nightingale

This touching tale stars the Emperor of China, who discovers that one of the most beautiful things in his empire is the song of the nightingale. A kitchen maid leads the court into a nearby forest, where a nightingale agrees to join them. He remains the king’s favourite at court – until the king is brought a glittering mechanical bird, and loses interest in the real nightingale, which returns to the forest. The mechanical bird eventually breaks, and a few years later, the king becomes mortally ill. The real nightingale learns of the Emperor’s illness and returns to the palace. Death is so moved by the nightingale’s song, he allows the Emperor to live.

Published by cipelazadvoje

Imam srce koje kuca na daljinu! Ne davim misli i zato sam ovde ,da reči nerečene pronadju svoj put.Boje sveća će im u tome pomoći verujem. Volim misli,citate.Volim tajanstvo svojih osećanja da stavim na papir... Kupujem polovna osećanja.Celih više nema na tržištu! Uvek lakše zagorčam slatko,nego što zasladim gorko.Na granici sam ludila,javiću kad predjem carinu! Kad mi dosadi da živim u bajci,izađem među ljude gde tražim posebno ništa.Nešto posebno već traže svi.Sad odoh malo do sebe, nisam dugo bila.

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